Reon Chang News Literacy 48-Hour Blackout When I first heard of this 48-hour blackout assignment, I was so irritated I wanted to throw my pen across the room. What was I going to do without any updates for 48 hours? I can barely sit through a 4-hour class without checking my phone let alone 48 hours. I'm a social media addict. I love keeping myself updated so I can just know what's going on. As someone with anxiety, one of my biggest fears is not knowing what's going on in a conversation. So this assignment sounded like absolute torture and not to my surprise, it was. Preparation was the only way I got through this assignment. Some might call it cheating, but if I was going to go offline for two days, I needed to make it as painless as possible. I chose to start this project on Saturday, September 1st at midnight. And in order to keep myself in check, I deleted all the apps I would be tempted to check: the apple news, twitter, instagram, etc....